Live for Today! Plan for Tomorrow! Preserve the Past! Have Fun Doing It!
Build Peace Together in all units and the Whole World while we Reconstruct our Order and Renew our Obligations. |
Peace - Love - Happiness - Joy
AIM: Promote Peace, Give to the World the Best you Have, and the Best will come Back to You.
GUIDES: Obligations, Serenity Prayer, Books of the Order.
EMBLEMS: Hummingbirds
Traveling Guardian Angles with hands folded in prayer.
Lodge Dove for Peace
Fun Clowns for happiness and joy.
COLORS: Silver/Blue, Plum, Pink & Silver
FLOWERS: All colors of Roses for Love. Forget-Me-Nots for the Principles of our Order and Obligations.
SONGS: Inspirational - Let There Be Peace Patriotic - Idaho Family - One Day At A Time Fun - Put Your Little Foot Right Out
BIBLE CHARACTER: Queen Esther for her unselfish ways to save her people as we Save Our Order.
May the Peace of my Rose Garden bring Love to be in your heart, may the Dove of my Lodge Emblem bring peace ever to our Order and the world. May the beauty and enjoyment that the Hummingbirds provide, ever bring us Joy, Peace and Love May my Clown bring you Joy and Happiness and remind us we need to have Fun. Last, remember my blue Forget-Me-Not, to remind us of the Principals of our Order and Obligations. The Guardian Angels will watch over you with hands folded in Prayer while God travels with you.
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Last updated: 10/23/2015 |