One step won't take you very far, You have to keep on walking, One word won't tell folks who you are, You have to keep on talking, One inch won't make you very tall, You have to keep on growing, One trip to Lodge won't teach you all, You have to keep on going.
Encircle the World With Friendship
2003 Mother of the Year
During the 2003 Assembly Sessions, Sister Alta was chosen as 'Mother of the Year' by daughter, Pat Edwards, Rebekah Assembly President. Sister Alta has been a very active and continuous member of Carnation Rebekah Lodge #95 since her initiation into our Order in 1950 at Post Falls, Idaho. She served as Advisor to the Theta Rho Girls Club for 12 years and served on the Rebekah Youth Committee for 3 years. In 1965, she received the Decoration of Chivalry, our highest honor, for her dedication and hard work both within and without our Order. She was representative to the I.A.R.A. in 1969 and served as a Courtesy Officer. Read her story. |
DEDICATED TO THE REBEKAH MEMBERS OF IDAHO As I pause to count my blessings And think of the Rebekahs I've met Who have done the really nice things That I never can forget It is not surprising That my thoughts should turn your way With the best of good wishes To end each Perfect Day.
TAKE TIME FOR YOUTH. "Today's youth is the world tomorrow".
WATCHWORDS FRIENDSHIP and HAPPINESS "The great strength of our Order lies in our works, Friendship, Love, and Truth."
EMBLEM THE CLASPED HANDS OF FRIENDSHIP our maker gave us two hands to work with, to promote friendship, create happiness and work for our Order. Hands are funny things, four fingers and a thumb with palm attached. But God has given to this thing we call a hand, the power and art to heal, to comfort, and to love. It is because of someone's hands the fevered brow is soothed, the thoughtful letter written, and the extra gift of love performed. Because of Hands so busy all the day, our work here on earth is being done. Yes, Hands are funny things, four fingers and a thumb with palms attached, but what Power God has given to them.
SCRIPTURE JOHN 15, VERSE 15 and 16 "I have called you friends, I have chosen you, that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father, in my name, He will give it to you."
PRAYER May the strength of God pilot us, May the power of God preserve us, May the wisdom of God instruct us, May the hand of God protect us, May the love of God direct us.
COLORS PURPLE and GOLD "The purple of the night to the orchid of the dawn, with a touch of gold." Honoring my L.A.P.M. and L.E.A. Sisters
FLOWER CARNATION In honor of my own Rebekah Lodge Carnation No. 95
MY AIM That each Lodge take in at least one new member, get at least one new member to join the Funeral Aide, to get every Lodge in Idaho to donate to the Educational Foundation Fund and work to strengthen the bonds of Friendship, Love and Truth, by having more friendship in our lodge rooms. |
AWARDS 1. To the Lodge securing the most New Members between October 24, 1967 and June 30, 1968. 2. To the Lodge getting the most members to join the Funeral Aide, in the same period of time. 3. To the Lodge being 100% in the unwritten work. 4. To any Loge that donates to my project 100%. 5. To any Lodge that sponsors a new Theta Rho Club. |
DONATIONS I am asking you to donate to the Educations Foundation Fund, no matter the size of the donation. I have hopes of every Lodge in Idaho participating. Continue our projects, the President's Home Furnishing Fund, The World Eye Bank and Visual Research Foundation. Support our Youth; Theta Rho Girls Clubs, Junior Odd Fellows, and the Odd Fellows United Pilgrimage for Youth.
PROJECT Our big project now is the re-landscaping of the grounds of our "Home on the Hill", to bring back the original beauty. I am asking that each member donate 25 cents to this project. I don't care how you do this, either by donation, money raising projects, etc., or each put in individually, but please help. I am giving an award to each Lodge that is 100% in this project.
Idaho Rebekah Lodges |
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Idaho Rebekah Lodges |
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Last updated: 10/23/2015 |
Idaho Rebekah Lodges |
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Last updated: 10/23/2015 |
Idaho Rebekah Lodges |
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Last updated: 10/23/2015 |
Idaho Rebekah Lodges |
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Last updated: 10/23/2015 |
Idaho Rebekah Lodges |
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Last updated: 10/23/2015 |
Idaho Rebekah Lodges |
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Last updated: 10/23/2015 |